Cooling & Heating Coils

Heat Exchange Coil

Be it Chilled Water Coil, Hot Water Coil, Brine Coil, DX Coil (Refrigerant based), High- Efficiency Heat Transfer Coils (specially designed) we provide all. Our coil manufacturing capacity is 300,000 sq. ft per month. To increase surface area for efficient heat transfer, we use Aluminum fins, if required for anticorrosive treatment, we offer hydrophilic coated blue Aluminum fins. We also offer Copper and Stainless Steel (304) fins. For effective cooling in DX Coils, we provide Inner Groove Tube (IGT). For Drain Pan, we offer multi-sloping in Aluminum or Stainless Steel (304), duly insulated with closed-cell Nitrile / PUF. Our coils are compatible with all VRF/VRV outdoor units.

Technical Specifications

Coil Casing / Blank offsGI / SS-304 (Optional)
Tube Dia. (mm/inch)12.7 mm ( 1/2” O.D) / 9.5 mm (3/8")
Thickness of tube (SWG / mm)(27 SWG / 0.41 mm)/ (25 SWG/ 0.5 mm)
Header MaterialCopper / MS
Thickness and Material of fins0.15 mm Aluminum / Anticorrosive hydrophilic coated blue Aluminum fins
No. of Fins per inch (FPI)11 / 12 (For chilled water use)

Optional Features

• Copper Fins
• Pre-coated Blue Fins
• Anti-Corrosive Coating
• U.V. Lights for high level of air purification and deodorization

Certified by

Air-Conditioning, Heating, and Refrigeration Institute

AHRI Certified

Cooling coils are certified under AHRI Standards. Coil performance is calculated in accordance to AHRI Standards. AHRI administers the AHRI Performance Certified programs that test and certify the performance of heating and cooling coils.

Eurovent Certified

The Cooling Coils will have Eurovent Certified performances which are supplied with the Eurovent Certified Air Handling Units. The Non-Eurovent certified Air Handling Units can be supplied with either AHRI Certified / Eurovent certified Performance.

Cooling & Heating Coils

Be it Chilled Water Coil, Hot Water Coil, Brine Coil, DX Coil (Refrigerant based), High-Efficiency Heat Transfer Coils (specially designed) we provide all. To increase surface area for efficient heat transfer, we use aluminium fins, if anticorrosive treatment is required, we offer hydrophilic coated blue aluminium fins. We also offer Copper and Stainless Steel (304) fins. For effective cooling in DX Coils, we provide Inner Groove Tube (IGT). For Drain Pan, we offer multi-sloping in aluminium or Stainless Steel (304), duly insulated with closed-cell nitrile / PUF. Our coils are compatible with all VRF/ VRV outdoor units.

Cooling & Heating Coils

Certified by


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